Hart-Parr 18-36 Specifications:
Engine: 6.75 inch bore by 7 inch stroke, 800 rpm.
Horsepower: 18 at the draw-bar and 36 at the belt pulley.
Ignition: High tension Robert Bosch magneto.
Lubrication: Madison Kipp force feed oiler.
Carburetor: Schebler.
Transmission: Two or three speeds forward, one reverse.
Cooling: Water pump, with friction driven fan.
Frame: Channel iron.
Front Wheels: 28 inches diameter, 5 inch face.
Rear Driven Wheels: 51 inches diameter, 12 inch face.
Shipping Weight: 6,100 pounds.
Ploughs Pulled: Three to four bottom plough.
U.S. Price New: $1,350.00. |