A 1947 Ford promotion for The Fordson Major Model E27N Tractor was as follows: For years "Farming the Fordson Way" has been the heart of mechanised farming in this country. During the war 94% of all wheeled tractors made in Great Britain were Fordsons. Now, to help British farmers grapple with the problems that face them in the new Battle for Food, Fordson takes two great steps forward :— the introduction of the Hydraulic Power Lift and the ever expanding range of implements designed and built specially to operate with the Major tractor. The Hydraulic Power Lift puts countless farming operations into the palm of your hand, giving fingerlight control where normally strength and muscles were needed. The new implement range is the result of close-cooperation between the leading agricultural engineering concerns and the Ford Motor Company Ltd., Dagenham. We acknowledge with gratitude the help and assistance of the co-operating Companies in this venture and the spirit in which this has been given. Events have made British farming one of our most vital industries. The invitation to our farming friends is "Go forward with Fordson." |